color insightThen, one spring afternoon in 2009, while looking at a color chart, three seemingly unrelated aspects of her color knowledge came together:
1. personal color preferences & needs 2. Three dimensional color models 3. Digital color And she had a deep insight into an obvious and logical pattern in color. In that moment, the RESONANCE COLOR MODEL was conceived and the creation and painstaking research began. |
• BA in languages & literature • MA in communications • Diploma in psychotherapeutic counseling • Trained in 3 different personal color consulting methods. |
• 30+ years as color psychologist & consultant • Teacher & trainer – from graduate level university courses to community education, and professional organizations. |
• Student of color in nature, fibers, fashion, design. • Color consultant in fashion and interiors. • Color as communication. • Creator of Resonance Color, a new color model for the 21st century. |